The Mayweather vs. Pacquiao boxing “fight of the century” may not have been what everyone had hoped it would be, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try boxing yourself.
The benefits of pull on boxing gloves and step into the ring are many—even some of your favorite Victoria’s Secret models choose this way to get their amazing bodies. Here’s a few reasons why:
It’s a total-body workout: If you choose to start boxing, you’ll be getting a two-for-one workout of cardio and strength training. You’ll also have the potential to burn up to 13 calories per minute! Now where can we get those gloves?
The way to a flat belly: Your dreams of a six-pack have been answered! Boxing is an extremely challenging core workout—more so than laying on the floor doing boring old push ups.
It’s a stress-reliever: Have a long day at the office or get in an argument with a friend? Box it out! It’s a healthy and productive way to relieve the tension you feel—and the rush of endorphins will likely put you in a better mood.