Working out during your lunch break can pay off big time if you’re stuck working late at the office or aren’t a morning person. A quick thirty minute sweat session is ideal for people on the go! But what happens when you don’t have enough time to remove all of the carefully placed makeup you put on that morning?
Going light on your makeup application on the days you know you’ll be hitting the gym during your lunch hour is the way to go.
Try to avoid products that could clog your pores, like mineral oil and petrolatum. We also recommend using sheer, cream-based products that allow your skin to breathe and won’t clump. When you’re finished exercising, mist water on your face and reblend your makeup with a sponge, and reapply touch up wherever is needed.
And if you need a little something extra, brush on a coat of waterproof mascara—make sure it doesn’t smudge—and tinted lip balm.
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