Feel better about yourself while making others feel great about themselves by saying a simple thank you.
As stated in a Psychology Today article there are areas of the brain affected by appreciation and gratitude. The hypothalamus, which controls basic bodily functions such as eating and sleeping, and dopamine ( the“reward neurotransmitter”) are heavily affected from feelings of gratitude. Alex Korb Ph.D writes;
“Gratitude can have such a powerful impact on your life because it engages your brain in a virtuous cycle.”
Having these brain boots can significantly have positive effects at home, work and life .
Showing gratitude can increase a person’s wellness, better sleep habits, metabolism and reduce stress. When you make appreciation a top priortity (at home and especially in the workplace) the outcome is a positive, productive, creative and thriving environment. With employee appreciation and appreciating others you’re not only boosting productivity, efficiency, performance and engagement, but the person’s well-being and health.
4 ways to practice appreciation.
- Don’t put others down even if you’re feeling gloomy;
- Acknowledge the achievements and success stories of others.
- Practice self appreciation; whether its filling your brain with educational information , lifting your spirits with mediation or thanking your body with nourishing foods and exercise.
- Write thank you notes and verbally say thanks; to friends and family for their continued love and support, coworkers for welcoming you to the team; customers for helping to keep your business afloat etc. When you show appreciation for every single person in your life, instantly see how much better you feel after you show your appreciation.
You’ll see how much more powerful you become, but not only that, how much better you feel as a person.
Sources for this post includes; Psychology Today article and Harvard Review.