Created in 1994 through the committed and collective efforts of the Entertainment Industry Foundation, Lilly Tartikoff and Ronald O. Perelman, the EIF Revlon Run/Walk For Women has grown to become one of the nation’s largest single day fundraising events.
To date, the Run/Walks (in Los Angeles and New York) have distributed over $68 million for cancer research, treatment, counseling and outreach programs. Thanks in part to these funds, new treatments are being developed and lives are being saved.
The EIF Revlon Run/Walk For Women is a wonderful opportunity to come out and participate with Lucille Roberts in stomping out women’s cancers. What are you doing on May 4th? Joining us in Times Square, right? We want you to join us, please sign up at or call 855.434.3779.
Check out our blog and social media accounts all month for more information!