Now that the days are getting longer, quit hitting the snooze button and break out those running shoes!
Waking up early may not be the first thing on your agenda, but it could save you a bunch of time after work. So if you’d rather stay hidden under the covers than rise with the sun, here are a few ways to help get you moving:
1. Prep before bed: Taking care of what you’ll eat, wear, and bring the night before will save you bit of time during a hectic morning. Make sure you’ve prepared what you need before you go to bed. It would suck if your iPod wasn’t charged wouldn’t it?
2. Map out your route: Planning out the route you will take during your workout is super smart; you don’t want to just run anywhere. Do your research to find popular routes using a site such as MapMyRun to find a safe route.
3. Embrace the morning: Waking up early can be a drag, but think about how peaceful it will be jogging outside. The stillness and quiet in the morning is a great way to wake up and clear your mind. Take advantage of it!
4. Buddy up: Knowing your BFF is waiting for you will be more of a reason to get out of bed in the morning. Plus, it’ll pass the time quicker having someone to chat with while getting your fitness on.
5. Reward yourself: I’m not saying go grab a donut right after you finish, but it is perfectly acceptable to end your workout at your favorite coffee shop for a post-run treat. If not, you could always whip up a refreshing smoothie. Just make sure your breakfast doesn’t undo all your early morning hard work.
Use can also use these tips to make sure you’re running the right way and become a better runner!