Not sure what a foam roller can do for your body? Don’t worry, we’re here to tell you!
Using a foam roller is used and are popular mostly for self-myofascial release, or SMR, which hands-on technique that therapists have been using for years. To do so, a therapist applies a small, long duration dragging force across layers of soft-tissue on the body. After a little time, the body will “release” the tissue and mobility between those sliding surfaces is restored. Cool, huh? That’s where the foam roller comes in to replace the need for therapist.
We checked in with our friends over at SELF magazine for a few areas of the body and exercises that you can use the foam roller to benefit your body:
1. For your hips: “Lie facedown and place ball between the hollow inside your hip bone and the floor. Bend that knee 90 degrees and rock foot from side to side; move until you feel hip flexor release.”
2. For your glutes: “Sit on ball, focusing on a tender spot on one side of glutes, holding yourself up with arms behind you and knees bent in front of you. On side with ball, open knee out to side, putting weight on ball, and move knee up and down.”
3. For your upper body: “Lie on side with foam roller near armpit, pressing where shoulder and back meet. Bend that elbow 90 degrees so forearm is over head, then move arm side to side and up and down from shoulder.”
For more exercises using a foam roller head over to SELF magazine!