There’s a reason almost everyone at the gym has their headphones on—and it’s not just because they want to rock out to the latest Taylor Swift song.
Research shows that listening to music while you workout helps distract your mind from its “bodily awareness” (AKA pain). So if you’re not prone to slipping in those ear buds at the gym, you should start.
Need more proof? Here are 4 more reasons to rock out while you work out:
1. It puts you “in the zone” – Most of us have a go-to song that pumps up our spirits getting us in the mood to sweat and there’s a reason why. We associate certain songs with memories of when we first heard them. So if you first heard T.Swift’s “Shake It Off” while dancing in your favorite Zumba class then you’ll most likely channel that memory each time you listen to it.
2. It’s a good kind of distraction – Your favorite tunes are not only a distraction, but can also keep your mind over the exertion your body is going through. It’s said that this can benefit your performance up to 15 percent. The more up beat the tune, the better workout you’ll have.
3. It can help you keep pace – The rhythm of you workout music is known to stimulate the motor area of the brain as to when to move, which helps aid the pace of your running or strength training. These time signals can make your workout all the more beneficial and efficient helping you keep your pace.
4. It makes you want to move – You can’t stop the beat! When you listen to up beat music, research shows that the brain gets excited and induces the movement in the listener. Your playlist can make you get your groove on, so turn it up!
Need an amazing playlist to pair with your workout? Check out the Lucille Roberts radio station!