1. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
My name is Melissa and I am 25-years-old. I am currently a full-time college student at Brooklyn College with a double major in Physical ED k-12 and adaptive PE k-12 for children w special needs w a minor in exercise science. I just recently got engaged to my boyfriend of 10years on May 5, 2012. I have a 3-year-old English Springer Spaniel and his name is Sam. I also just became an aunt on June 29, 2012 when my little niece Adriana Skye was born. I have an older sister, a younger sister and a 7-year-old family Golden Retriever named Bear. I hope to become a PE teacher by September 2013 if the Department of Education starts hiring again. I also work part-time on the weekends at a kids party place. I love to workout, being outdoors, hunting, fishing and taking vacations. I am also the worst pesco vegan ever because I go fishing and hunting!
2. How did you end up being a manager at Lucille Roberts?
I started as a desk girl when I was 15 then I went onto personal training and group fitness, I became an assistant manager about 7 or 8 years ago but even before I starting working for the company I was a member first!
3. What are some personal fitness goals you have?
Some of my own personal fitness goals would be to run in the NYC marathon and to bike in the bike-aton I am also going to be doing my 1st super spartan race on September 8, 2012.
4. What do you think is the best thing about Lucille Roberts?
The best thing about LR is we are all women. Almost everyone comes here for the same reasons: they want a fun, fast and motivating workout and at Lucille Roberts that’s what you get.
5. What advice do you have for women who are trying to lose weight and meet their fitness goals?
The advice I would give anyone who is trying to lose weight and meet their fitness goals would be never give up, keep trying and push yourself. Your mind will tell you to stop before your body will, and once you push yourself over that barrier you will reach your goals. Also to also take it one step at a time. Setting weekly goals and starting out small will make your goals more realistic and easier to reach.