For many of us, lunges are the go-to exercise to get a enviable rump, but sometimes it can get a little dull and boring. So if you’re looking to switch up your butt workouts here and there (because we’re not saying remove lunges completely), try this challenging move to get a better backside.
The Donkey Kick
You probably have a look on your face that pretty much says ‘What the heck are you saying?’ Yeah, it’s a weird name for an exercise, but trust us, this move works.
With this move, you can work out your butt (and your back!) without even standing. One note to remember is to not arch your back to raise your leg—that’s cheating. Here’s what you do:
To begin, get down on all fours, with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. Squeezing your glutes, slowly pulse your flexed foot toward the ceiling. Your back should remain perfectly still in a neutral spine, not curved. The motion should be small and controlled with the muscle doing the work and not momentum. Repeat on each side.
If you need a little more direction, one of our favorite fitness influencers, Jen Selter, has a workout video dedicated to the move.