Getting a workout in is probably not something you’re thinking about while you’re at work, even though exercising should be one of our top priorities. Working out is not only good for the heart and the soul, but it is a good stress reliever.
We all make excuses for not working out, and the one I hear the most is, “I don’t have time.” Actually, we all have time to work out! Yes, there will be days when you cannot go to the gym for legitimate reasons–family emergency, working late, no child care, etc. You have to ask yourself, “If I can’t make it to the gym today, how can I still get in a workout?”
There are a number of ways to work out without having to go to the gym. The most common place besides home to exercise is at work. Yep! Working out at work, while you are working, is convenient and very easy to do! How is this possible? You don’t necessarily need gym equipment to have great workout. All you need is motivation and imagination.
The following are some of my tips for working out at work:
- Bottled Water Bicep Curl. Use a bottle of water, one in each hand. While sitting or standing, complete two sets of 10-15 reps.
- Desk Chair Dips. Make sure your chair is stable. (For rolling chairs, push it against a wall so it won’t roll out from under you.) Place hands next to hips. Move hips in front of chair and bend the elbows, lowering the body until the elbows are at 90 degrees. Push back up and repeat for 16 reps.
- Ab Twists. Hold the water bottle at chest level and, keeping the knees and hips forward, gently twist to the left as far as you comfortably can, feeling the abs contract. Twist back to center and move to the right for a total of 10 reps on either side. Don’t force it or you may end up with a back injury.
- Side Bends. Hold a water bottle with both hands and stretch it up over the head, arms straight. Gently bend towards the left as far as you can, contracting the abs. Come back to center and repeat to the right. Complete 10 reps (bending to the right and left is one rep).
- Jumping Jacks. Do for 60 seconds.
- Run in Place. Do for 60 seconds. Get those knees up! (Beginners, march in place.)
- “Jumping Rope”. Simulate (no rope required) for a minute: hop on one foot or on both feet at once. An easier version is to simulate the arm motion of turning a rope, while alternately tapping the toes of each leg in front.
- Walk. Take a brisk walk during your lunch break.
- Take the Stairs. Do this instead of taking the elevator.
- Lunges. Don’t walk to the kitchen pantry or the ladies room; lunge your way there!
It’s also a good idea to do some stretching exercises, especially if you have been sitting in front of a computer. You can get up every two hours and stretch your arms and back. To do this, stretch your arms up above your head as if you are trying to touch the ceiling. Follow by stretching your legs: take one leg and bend towards your chest. You can then bend your leg behind you; grab your foot and pull towards your glutes.
See your doctor before trying this workout if you have any injuries, illnesses, or other conditions.
Trainer Tip by Christina Perez.