By now many of us know that some foods are just not good to put in your diet if you’re looking to tone up and lose weight. Lucky for you, we’re here to help!
The tips below will help you, even in the small way, to make sure you meet your weight loss goals in the kitchen. Following through with these may be tough, but you’ll thank us later.
- Eat cold greens instead of warm ones.
- Blot the oil off your pizza.
- Eat bagel flats instead of full bagels.
- Try ordering your own appetizer and sharing your meal.
- Pour off the oil that collects at the top of your peanut butter jars and salad dressings.
- Opt for vinaigrette instead of creamy salad dressing.
- Bake or grill instead of frying.
- Eat whole grain bread instead of white.
- Swap in Greek yogurt for mayo.
- Try quinoa instead of rice.