Tomorrow is December ladies! And you know what that means? Along with the cold temps and cozy nights by the fire, also comes cold and flu season. Yeah, not what were looking forward to.
With December—and the coming winter weather—you’ll probably find yourself catching a few colds. It usually happens to us all (if not, luck you!). But don’t worry, we’ve figured out a couple ways to help to stop that awful runny and stuffy nose so you can get back to the gym!
1. Hold your breath and pinch: Start by leaning your head back and pinching your nose closed. Then hold your breath as long as you can without passing out (Seriously.). When you can’t hold your breath any more, let go of your nose. This usually works because your brain goes into non-suffocation mode and clears your sinuses to make more room for air.
2. Tongue tap: Pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth, use two fingers to firmly tap against the area between your eyebrows on your forehead. Repeat these two steps for 20 seconds and your sinuses will start to drain. This helps because it moves a bone and releases the mucus that’s clogging you up.