Have you always struggled to do push ups? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there.
This exercise is ideal to work out your chest, triceps, and entire core.
1. Modify: Push ups may seem simple to execute, but they take a lot of work to master. If you’re a beginner, try starting out with a modified version—on your knees or with your hands on a wall. Once you’re comfortable with that, try a regular push up.
2. Don’t stick your butt in the air: Seems simple enough, right? Not exactly. It’s very easy to not notice your butt is high up and not even with the rest of your body. Remember, you want to engage you core, keeping your back straight. The rest will fall into place.
3. It’s about quality not quantity: Let’s face it: if you do 30 push ups, with 15 of those done with your butt in the air, how much did your body really benefit? It’s important to focus on performing each exercise correctly to get the most out of it, rather than how many you were able to do.
4. Don’t drop your head down as you lower your body: Similar to not having your butt higher than your back, remembering to keep your head in line with the rest of your body. It helps to fixate your eyes on a part of the floor and keep them there.
Now, drop and us 20!