With all the holiday hustle and bustle behind us—traveling, loading up on delicious food, and celebrations—that leaves us to pick up the pieces of our over-indulging ways. Not something to look forward to, huh?
So after your holiday feasting has ceased, it’s time to get down to business and lose that pesky weight you gained. No matter how many pounds you may have put on, there is always time to start fresh.
Sure, staying on track with a healthy diet and exercise plan is important, but what will really help you keep the pounds off? Recent studies have proven that refined carbs and simple sugars may be worse for your heart than saturated fats. So, seeing as how American Heart Month is coming up, sticking to a low-carb, high-protein diet is the way to go for weight-loss success.
It may not sound all that easy, but here’s a simple solution: instead of choosing all those carbs, stick with low-GI foods. These kind of foods slow down the rate that glucose (sugar) gets introduced into your body. The GI index places foods on a zero to 100 scale. A GI of 1 to 55 is low, 56 to 69 is medium, and 70 to 100 is high, so you should limit these high-ranking foods in your diet. Stock your pantry and fridge with whole grains, whole fruits, and other complex carbs.
It’s time to lose that annoying holiday weight gain once and for all!
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