Here are some tips for improving your eating habits:
Eating should be a pure experience.
You should do nothing else while eating. You should taste and enjoy every bite.
Always eat in the same place.
Never eat when you are standing, in front of the TV, at the kitchen counter while cooking, or lying in bed.
Follow an eating schedule.
All meals and snacks should be pre-planned at specific times. This way you don’t have to think about what you are going to eat.
Never skip meals or snacks.
Meal skipping may cause you to overeat at your next meal because your body will be hungry, and your blood sugar will be low.
Know your cravings.
If you want something creamy, sweet, or salty, don’t talk yourself into something else; just eat it. If you don’t go with your craving, you just might end up eating more of something you didn’t even want in the first place.
Try not to clean your plate.
Always leave a little food on your plate after every meal, and you will save tons of calories over time.
Use smaller plates and bowls.
This will help you to eat smaller portions of food.
Slow down your eating pace.
Eating too fast limits the enjoyment of food. Remember: it takes about twenty minutes for your body to realize that it’s full.
Always eat your favorite foods first.
This way you will stop eating if you are full.
Never take a second helping.
Make one plate of food, and after you are finished, don’t add anything else to your plate.
Store trigger foods out of sight.
They will be too tempting to resist if they are around all day.
Get rid of all your clothes that are too big.
This way you will have nothing to wear if you start to gain weight.
Only eat when you are truly hungry.
Ask yourself if you are really hungry or if you are just bored, stressed, tired, anxious, etc.