Lets face it, Hunger Games and Oscar Award winning actress Jennifer Lawrence has a banging body. We love her because of her real, down to earth personality. Not to mention she isn’t afraid to stuff her face or admit that eats heavenly things like spaghetti chili pizza sandwiches with not one of drop of guilt.
But we ask, how does she do it? How does she manage to eat all those carbs and still have such a banging body gracing all the red carpets, magazines and Dior campaigns?
Although she looks like a goddess, she is just like us and has the help of her former celebrity trainer and friend, Dalton Wong to keep her in shape.
According to Elle.com, Wong spills that Jennifer follows a health and fitness plan that doesn’t deprive. “I could never live on a ‘diet’,” Lawrence says. “Dalton taught me how to eat, move and live a delicious but healthy life. I love to train in his gym, then afterwards we go out for burgers and fries with his family. It’s all about balance.”
In his book, The Feelgood Plan, Wong reveals workouts inspired by his friend J.Law and her busy filming schedule. His tip is to break up exercise throughout the day and set aside 15 minutes (4 times for the day) mixing up a HIIT circuit with strength training. “A lot of people might not have the hour to commit to doing something, but lots of people have 15 minutes,” he says. Those four, 15 minute sessions equals an hour of exercise a day.
Here is an example of Wong’s The Feelgood Plan – Leg and Butt Circuit. Make sure to check out our similar workout list as well!
If you are curious about what she eats (when its not pizza), some of her “healthier” snack choices include:
- Hard boiled eggs
- Cashews and blueberries
- Air popped popcorn
To read the full article go to Elle.com.