In the original article posted in the New York Times “Weekend Warriors’ Show Survival Benefits”, did you know if you dedicate your weekend for working out, you can reduce your risks of dying at an early age!? As we all know working out during the week is difficult. Whether it is work, school, parenting etc. these daily life activities can occupy a lot of our time, and let’s face it we do not have the energy to workout afterwards.
This is why the weekends are our saviors! In this free time you can make up for the lost time.
Did you know exercising for 150 minutes moderately or 75 minutes of vigorously during the week is recommended to gain optimal health benefits? These include improving your cardiovascular health and even preventing cancer.
Additionally the New York Times article mentions that Weekend Warriors have more time to rebuild and repair muscles before their next workout, and can maintain their healthy goals.
Become a Weekend Warrior with us and Read the full article here.