“If you change nothing, nothing will change”, one of the quotes that Jenna Wolfe lives by. For those who are unfamiliar with this fitness and health expert, you may have seen her doing some crazy bear crawls on the Today show as their fitness correspondent or heard about her book Thinner in 30: Small Changes That Add Up to Big Weight Loss in Just 30 Days.
She is also a mother of two, a Spartan Race athlete and spends some of her time blending pre-workout smoothies while her sons watch in amazement. Clearly, Jenna is a strong female who does not play around when it comes to her health and fitness. But do not be discouraged by Jenna’s intense workouts (if you are wondering how intense, it’s around level 100). In her book Jenna shares simple health and fitness tips to help readers begin their journey to lead a healthier lifestyles.
In Fitness magazine’s article, “Jenna Wolfe Shares 10 Small Changes That Add Up to Big Weight Loss”, she mentions 10 lifestyle tips that can make all the difference in terms of losing weight and getting healthy:
Walk 10,000 steps per day. No excuses: “Strap on an activity bracelet or an inexpensive pedometer and track how many steps you actually take in a day. Whatever that number is, add to it until you get to at least 10,000 … Get moving and reach that 10,000-step finish line before the end of the day, whether it takes walking around your house, hiking up and down your staircase, or marching in place during commercial breaks.”
- Rethink how you Chew: “Do these three things every time you eat a meal: 1. When you take a bite of food, chew a minimum of 20 times before swallowing. 2. Take a sip of water after every bite. 3. Once your plate is empty, wait 20 minutes before going back for seconds. Keep in mind it takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain it’s full so it can flip off your hunger switch. When you take the time to chew your food at least 20 times before you swallow, you’ll give your brain the time it needs to catch up.”
- Work your core anywhere, anytime: “Imagine how you’d react if someone were about to punch you in the stomach. You’d tighten that midsection and brace yourself for the blow. Do you see how you squeezed your stomach muscles, but didn’t suck in your gut? That’s what I want you to do all the time.”
To read the rest of Jenna’s simple changes, head over to Fitnessmagazine.com .
Do you plan to make these changes in your daily routine? Let us know in the comments below!